The Rickett’s Era, Hurry up already!!!


The Padres have managed to complete ownership roles during this off-season. This fucking Tribune motherfucking bullshit has gone on for two years. As fans, we are tired of the corporate bullshit that the Tribune has dished out for too long. Get this fucking deal done soon, and allow the new owner an oppriotunity to evaluate the team and make decisions both financally and with player personnel.

What are your wishes for the Cubs new ownership to achieve? I’m not saying a World Series in the first year, but what would you guys like to see happen in the first season with a new owner?

This fucking shit has been going on for two years, and enough is enough.

8 Responses to “The Rickett’s Era, Hurry up already!!!”

  1. Dave Says:

    Actually, douchebag Bud Selig also has to approve of the sale as well. I haven’t heard jack from him. Yeah the corporate dickheads at the Tribune are probably delaying things too. The last I heard is the deal would be done in May.

  2. Tim Blackwell Says:

    Looks like not even Dusty likes JJ anymore.

  3. The Ghost of Leo Durocher Says:

    Jackie Jones is a stinking bum but that toothpick chomping fool will bring him back in no time that is my prediction

    Boo Boo Boo Boo Boo

  4. The Ghost of Ralph Houk Says:

    Shitfuck? Fuckshit?

    I can’t remember!!!!!!!!!

  5. chucky Says:

    Both work Ralph.

  6. genrebuster Says:

    Just having the Tribune out of the picture will make me happy, even if the team tanks for a year.

  7. genrebuster Says:

    Ralph, I read “Ball Four” years ago, great book!

  8. chucky Says:

    The Score 670AM just reported the Bears have landed Jay Cutler.

    I wonder……