Open thread.


I already unleashed my anger. Now it’s your guys’ turn.

6 Responses to “Open thread.”

  1. Matt Stairs Superfan Says:

    If there is a God, Jim Hendry should have been fired by now.

    Happy 103 years!

  2. chucky Says:

    Just my opinion (and only mine), there is no god.

  3. Joebeck Says:

    This just in….the Cubs trade away their minor league pitcher of the year and minor league player of the year, Sam Fuld, and a stolen base threat away for Matt Garza. Because if we didn’t overpay for players with average ceilings it wouldn’t be the Cubs. If we didn’t trade away all of our good prospects and hold on to the wrong ones for way too long it also wouldn’t be the Cubs. The Chicago Cubs: The Washington Redskins and New York Knicks of professional baseball.

    First time poster. Long time frustrated fan. I can handle being bad. I can’t handle incompetence.

  4. robert Says:

    JoeBeck welcome to the site….Hak JU LE Chris Archer brandon guyer robinson chirnos and sam fuld…..for matt garza wtf is hendry thinking….will someone fire hendry now….everytime that sob calls a team has to be thinking we are going to fleece them again

  5. Matt Stairs Superfan Says:

    I really don’t know how to react to this trade.

    In my opinion, it’s a double-edged sword. In the past, Hendry or even before that, McFAIL, refused to give up prospects like Corey Patterson and it ended up being hell for this franchise. So on one side, Hendry did the right thing. On the other side, these prospects probably will do well somewhere else, therefore Hendry is an idiot for doing it.

    This is why Jim Hendry should have been fired years ago. I wouldn’t trust this guy to mow my lawn. That is how incompetent this man is.

  6. robert Says:

    watching mlb tv last night mitch williams peter gammons and the whole crew said last night this trade was made buy jim hendry to save his job…evidentally he was told if this trade does not work out he is gone