Here Come The Hawks!



Finally. The coach with the awesome porn stache finally puts Christobal Huet where he belongs which is on the bench. The lady and I went to the game Sunday buying standing room only seats for $20 each. There were empty seats scattered around the upper deck so we did find a place to sit and that was a relief. I’ve said this quite a bit lately but attending a hockey game is really exciting. I recommend any of you that are thinking about going to do so. It does get a bit chilly in there though especially if you are close the rink so bundle up.

I spoke to Forklift of last week and I asked him why Antti Niemi wasn’t getting a shot to start. I believe he said something along the lines of Quenville (The man with the porn stache) that he is trying to get Huet in a groove for the playoffs. That is fine and dandy but if the guy sucks and he continues to suck then he needs to be sat down. I just wanted Niemi to get a chance to see what he can do before he gets sent back down with Khabibulin returning.

The way I see it, in any sport, you do not know if someone is good or not unless they get a fair shot. It can’t be just one play or one period/quarter but one game or a set of games. Huet has had some good games but lately, he has been a shit stain. Niemi has earned  another shot in my opinion especially if Khabibulin continues to be on the shelf.

That is about it. Til next time.

– Fro Dog

16 Responses to “Here Come The Hawks!”

  1. TDubbs Says:

    How was the road trip to the game? Fun?
    It was a relief to buy SRO tickets, but get a seat? I’d think it’d be more of a relief to actually buy a ticket with a seat and sit in that seat that is allotted to you. Otherwise, that would be unfortunate and the opposite of a relief.
    But thanks for tip about the place being chilly. Who would have thought a place where there is a giant chunk of ice in the middle would be chilly? You’re our savior.
    Porn stache is hilarious, btw. I LOLed. Never heard of that phrase before.

  2. chucky Says:

    Didn’t the term “porn-stache” start in the 70’s? I know that’s when the trend began.

  3. Ron Santo's Legs Says:

    I see TDubbs is back again and being more sarcastic than ever.

    Fro, I know you said you wouldn’t ban anybody but if this moron keeps showing up, you might have no choice but to.

  4. genrebuster Says:

    No worries, Ron.

    Chances are this site will get back to normal, ie. more posts from the original members who migrated here (and less posts from boring punk-assed hipster wannabee sheeple loving jerky boys) when the regular season begins.

    And if not, perhaps there will be another migration. I’ll be back in April.

    Fro, absolutely no offense intended (to you).

  5. MadCityMac Says:

    Thank god I have the Hawks to cheer for- my Badgers absolutely suck right now; they can’t even go up to Mankato State and come back with more than one point this weekend. Aarrgh!

  6. chucky Says:

    “boring punk-assed hipster wannabee sheeple loving jerky boys”?

    GODDAMN!!!!!!!!! That is a mouthful, genre!

    I commend you, sir.

  7. genrebuster's agent Says:

    Greetings Chucky:

    genrebuster will take a leave of absence from this site until April 1…but he has asked me to acknowledge your kind comment and Thank You for the commendation. He also would like to apologize for omitting the following from his last post:

    101 years.

    tick tock…tick tock…tick tock…



  8. chucky Says:

    I hope there is nothing wrong with my old colleague genrebuster. Please extent to him my best wishes, genrebuster’s agent.

  9. Matt Stairs Superfan Says:

    Don’t ban him Fro. Who would we have to laugh at then? This place needs some humor. This TDubbs character is indeed one of a kind. He is the one who goes to the parties and doesn’t realize that the people with him are laughing and poking fun at him rather than with him. He could also be that kind of guy that everyone sees around town and the people know he is 40 years old and still is living in his parent’s basement.

  10. Fro Dog Says:

    I am not going to ban anybody. That is something AL Yellon would do. Everywhere you go, there is an idiot. Whether it is at a website or at your job, there is an idiot or two roaming around. At my business, I see anywhere from 100-150 people a day. Out of that many customers, there is an ignorant person or two.

    Genrebuster, I promise you this site will not go away. Someone will step up and take this site or I will throw in an open thread a couple times a week to keep you guys here. No worries.

  11. ksmc2000 Says:

    Fro Dog,

    I’ll help you out with the site if you want. We’ve had some great times with alot of the guys from the old site, and I thank you for giving us a forum to keep it going. I’ll do my best to keep a daily thread going during the season.

    It’s great to see the Blackhawks finally back in the playoff picture. There might be a few John McDonough bashers on here, but he is responsible for turning the Hawks into a contender once again. I didn’t think it would happen this quickly though. They are close to being able to compete with the Red Wings and Sharks.

  12. Fro Dog Says:


    I added your email address to my site as an “author user”. That means you can publish and edit your own posts at any time. Once again, you only need to post a new thread one-two times a week starting in a few weeks.

    WordPress said you had an account. So when you come to this site, just log in at the left hand side and you can check out your posts. It takes a little while to get the hang of things but you should get use to it after a bit.

    Thanks for stepping in again. I appreciate it very much.

  13. Ghost of Leo Durocher Says:

    dammit, I remember Al Yellon…what a bum. “Bleed Cubbie Blue”? Quitwhining, quit bleeding and kick the Met’s asses!

    Guess what, it’s time to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of 1969! Somebody remind Santo, he’ll be thrilled.


  14. chucky Says:

    OK. I have to change the subject here for a minute.

    From Fox Sports:

    Wide receiver Terrell Owens has agreed to a one-year deal with the Buffalo Bills for $6.5 million.

    I wonder what ole Dick Jauron thinks of that. The impending train wreck could be fun to watch.

  15. Fro Dog Says:


    Owens is a punk. I was glad the Bears didn’t go after him. The Bills will suck even more now that he is there.

    Don’t get me wrong, he has a ton of talent and can be great but his attitude is what causes his teams to fail.

  16. chucky Says:

    I agree FroDog. I just found it interesting matching the lava-headed T.O. and a head coach who needs to have pulse checked before somebody starts shoveling dirt on top him. There is major eruption waiting to happen. I think I’ll just catch their act from the mezzanine.