Hello Everybody!!!


Let me introduce myself….

I’m ksmc2000 from the original firedustybaker site. When boddyd pulled several disappearing acts from posting new threads, I tried to contact him via e-mail to allow me to keep the old site going, but got no response. That site had a huge following and we made some great friendships along the way.

Then Fro Dog started this site to keep as many members as possible from the old site together. We all thank you for that. After the second three game sweep in the playoffs in as many years, Fro Dog has decided to follow the Cubs from a safe distance in 09. I can’t say as I blame him one bit. Even with a 97 win season in 08, I found myself getting pissed off many times last year. 2009 will be my 40th as being a Cub fan. I have too many miles on these tires to be able to give up. It’s what I’ve been doing since I was 12 years old. All I want is a Cubs World Series Championship in my lifetime. Is that too much to ask?

I will do the best I can to assist Fro Dog with the baseball side of the site. We might not agree with each other on alot of discussions, but the best part of this forum is that everyone has a right to their own opinion. We are all family here. You can say whatever the fuck you want without dealing with a moderator. It should be an exciting season, and I’m looking forward to talking Cubs baseball with you.

P.S. I’d like to give a shout-out to MadCityMac from the original site. I met him a few times, and he is a great friend.


10 Responses to “Hello Everybody!!!”

  1. captain1kirk Says:


    Thank you for your efforts in keeping the site here active along with Fro Dog. For some of us this is a welcome place to come and vent our displeasure with the bac century that our beloved Cubs have. I found it rather depressing to watch the Super Bowl and see that the Cubs being discussed as the most futile franchise in sports. As Genre would say tick tock tick tock!!

    Some of my spring training thoughts can you really send down Hill and keep Bako?

    Micah Hoffpauir versus Derrek Lee one look at the spring training stats says that the young guy is earning a job and the old guy a seat on the bench. Can we trade DP Lee?

    SorryONo is having a pathetic spring start along with his buddy Lee continuing where they left off in the post season.

    Did Japan bench FuckADummy?

  2. Dave Says:

    Things I like:
    1. Pitching rotation
    2. Fontenot and his badass bat earning the everyday start.
    3. Good competition for closing spot between Marmol and Gregg.

    Things I don’t like:
    1. Lou insisting Soriano is still the best candidate for leading off.
    2. Lee over Hoffpauir
    3. 101 years since last WS title.

  3. ksmc2000 Says:

    Your welcome Kirk. But It’s really you guys thoughts and comments that are the spark that keeps the engine running on this site. I’m just holding on to the steering wheel and going along for the ride.

    I’d keep Koyie Hill over Bako any day. I think Bako has an out clause in his contract if he doesn’t make the 25 man roster. Better yet, Soto should bring Pudge Rodriguez back from the Puerto Rico WBC team. I heard recently that Pudge would be willing to play other positions.

    Going into the 09 season, we can expect to be going on one helluva roller coaster ride. I don’t see a 97 win team out there. It looks more like a 90-92 win season. Do any of you guys see any other teams in the NL Central that will push the Cubs for the division? The Brewers and Astros have good hitting, but their pitching sucks. And the Cardinals always seem to be able to hang around.

  4. ksmc2000 Says:


    The Cubs have a good rotation 1-5. Sean Marshall is pitching great in spring training, and on most teams, he would be a 2 or 3. What impressed me the most about Marshall was when Greg Maddux took him under his wing.

    I’m all for Mike Fontenot getting a shot at being the stater at 2B. He earned his chance to see what he can do on a daily basis. Don’t forget that he and Theriot won a championship at LSU. They’ve been playing together for years.

    It looks like the closer spot will go to Gregg. I’m OK with that. Marmol will be better in the setup role.

  5. MadCityMac Says:

    Keith, thanks! I appreciate the props! Hopefully we can get together for a few Old Styles or whatever sometime soon. And thanks for doing your part to help out Frodog keeping this site going. Catchya Bud!

  6. ksmc2000 Says:

    Sounds good Mac. I’m happy to be able to help Fro Dog out. Will this fucking 09 Spring Training ever end. Kinda reminds me of the long training camp for the NFL teams.

  7. chucky Says:

    The retarded WBC doesn’t help shorten spring training.

    I have an idea: Let’s put Bud Seligs name in the title of the website. He is equally deserving of being fired as the dumb bastards we have listed here.

    Fire Jim Hendry – Fire Jerry Angelo – Fire John Paxson – Bud Selig!

    I like that.

  8. Dave Says:

    I will second the Bud Selig motion.

    Also, when he is on, Big Z is a baseball triple threat. He’ll hurt ya with his pitching, he’s a good fielder, and then like yesterday, he’ll break out the badass bat and touch’em all! I always love seeing that.

    GO CUBS!!

  9. Fro Dog Says:


    I have answered your request. I wouldn’t doubt that we will have more names up there in the future.

    Good to talk to you guys again.

  10. chucky Says:

    Thanks FroDog. I’m happy to contribute.

    Funny thing is I thought of it morning when I read Keiths post about spring training lasting so damn long. So he should get some credit too.

    If I can think of anybody else I’ll let you know.